Sorry fr the previous post. It was so fcked up. I was freaking pissed with myself fr spoiling my own phone. Haha.
Ok. Moving onn. Firstly, I just love the new Cadbury ad! The eyebrow thingy. Haha. Cool man. But it doesn't seem to have link with Cadbury; in my view. Lol. When I saw it fr the first time I seriously thought that they are promoting a new phone or sumting liddat. Haha. But it's seriously awesome. Haha. I can't stop laughing every time it came out. LOL.
Here's the link 'cause I somehow gt problems uploading it here.
Today was the first day of Maths Hot-Housing. I would not say it's ineffective but I could say that I'm sure whatever that went into my brain was less than 20%. Hehe.
The whole cohort of Sec 4 & 5 had to attend. It was ok at first. But after a while, the teacher got even more faster moving on to the next topic. I ended up going at my own pace. I was still stucked at a topic and he was almost done on the next one.
Then blahblah. There was this one point when the tcher got fed up of us chatting away so he got angry. He started saying that NA classes have the most numbers of absentees and it simply shows that we are not interested. I mean it's true but why are we always the target? If you don't want us there, then tell us manxzsx. We can jolly well leave. Whatever lah. Don't be too sensitive Icha. Haha.
Anyway, I burnt my tongue while enjoying KFC's breakfast. Ohya, did I mention that a few days back, I dreamed of enjoying a KFC meal? I was craving fr it and my dream proves it. Haha. It hurts when I eat. So now I have to bite pieces of food using only my left side of the mouth. Sedih eh.
OK. What else should I say? Ohh. I walked with Eddy to the MRT today. While walking we talked. One of the topic was Sarawak. He said that he was browsing through his picts and found the folder. All the memories came back. So, when I got home after having dinner, I went to my old comp and transfered the whole folder.
Yeah, when I look back at those picts, all the moments spent there came lingering back to my train of thoughts even though they have start fading slowly some time ago. I can't describe the feeling. You will really miss Sarawak if you went on that trip, seriously.
I miss every single thing 'bout it and here's just a few moments that I'd love to share:
Moment 1: At the airport with mixed feelings.
2: Still there. 3: Fly me there pls. 4: The most fun part of all; when you just feel like reaching out to the cotton candy sky.
5: Another moment that made me really excited. Getting closer and closer to Mt. Santubong.
6: The serene beach. I forgot the name.
7: Posing in front of my house-to-be. Haha 8: Jumping on the bed like mad. 9: Waiting to be served. 10: Writing reflections at the end of each day.
11: The girls 12: The guys. 13: And lastly, waking up to the beautiful and calm sunrise.
Hey y'all. How's life? Haha The past week have been pretty BORING fr me. Since there's no school I woke up later than I usually do and it's just the same old stuff over and over again. I was seriously Bored to death. My nrml routine was to wake-up, clean up, house chores, TV or lappy(but too lazy to update) and then dunno do wht. I would usually slack. Zzzz Whatthehell right?
I'm usually alone at home so I don't talk. Unless the phone rings of course. I can't possibly talk to myself right? Most of the time when I'm doing the chores, I would blast the radio. So, it's like being in jail or smthg. Haha. I think on Thurs I almost cried because I'm so freaking lonely and I feel like I haven't talked fr days. LOLlol.
OK, fast frwd. Blah blah abt feeling lonely and stuffs.
So, just came bck frm cuzzie's place. Sort of celebrated Father's Day. There's food and stuffs. So, eatdrinkeatdrink. Then played Monopoly. Got bored after a while. Then... Ah, forget it. I forget wht happened. Lol
Anyway, the past weeknights, I've been having trouble sleeping. IT'S JUST BLOODY HOT RIGHT? I just can't take the heatiness manzxx. I would sleep soundly and suddenly woke up to realise that I'm actually sweating like hell.
I would start off sleeping in my bed. After hours had passed, I would move to the empty space on the floor nxt to my bed, then my last spot would be on the couch in the living room. I don't have air-con you see, so I would turn the fan nxt to the couch to its max and just leave it my direction. Muahaha. Sometimes I don't realise I have actually changed spots.
Wonder why it's been these hot these days. Is it global warming? Or is it just the hot season? My back hurt from sleeping on the floor for long hours. Haishh. I miss those cold, windy nights.
*** I feel like there's a lot to tell the world but I don't exactly what I want to say. I think I just miss my nrml routine, going to school and stuffs. I miss my clique. U hanging out tgth after school, sitting tgt during recess. I miss the little little stuffs. I also miss my CCA and many other stuffs. I just misss them. Ok. I'm tired. Chao
I'm back. Been out and about these few days. So here the story goes.
Firstly, I've got sunburnt. Arghh. Thanks to a day out in the sun ystd. Ok. So me and Fydie was selected to represent our class fr a graduation vdeo thingy. Both of us were forced so I was reluctant to go. But I still did.
Thursday was the first fr this 2-day thing. The first day was all about recording. We had to sing a few lines from an oldie song which I can't really relate to. Haha. Early morning our voices aren't really out yet. So we are asked to sing the line repeatedly. Until we managed to get the correct tone and stuffs, then the recording starts. I srsly do not like to hear my recorded voice. It's just so different. But what to do?
So, after we got our line recorded, the other classes also recorded theirs. It was bloody tiring. We have to wait and wait and wait. And finally got to the chorus. The whole thing ended ard 5. Superr long rite?
The first day was not the best one. Anyhow, still enjoyed singing other songs with the rest while waiting. I bet my group was the loudest among all. Who cares. Now I know how all the stars feel while recording. You have to re-record if it's not good enough.
Alrite, movingg on to the 2nd day which is, Thank God more interesting. It was still tiring 'cause there is still a lot of waiting but I really had fun. We took a transport to Marina Barrage early in the morning for the filming.
It was a nice, calm place but the sun was just blistering HOT! As soon as we arrived, we get to the 1st location and start filming. There was a total of 10 spots of filming I think. After one spot, movedd on to another. It was crowded and quite embarassing 'cause when the music starts, you have to 'act feeling feeling' singing the song. Haha
I loved the view from the Green Roof on top. You can Singapore Flyer and stuffs. There were ang-moh kids flying kites with their teachers and they were soo adorable. While waiting, we would snap pictures and stuffs. Or me and Ely will act spastic. Haha. So fun but so hot.
Then, the whole thing wrapped up at ard 2pm. We got no transport back so we took the shuttle bus to the MRT and went to Raffles City Shpping Ctr to Mac-ed. There was a whole bunch of us. Ard 14 I think. Most of us stayed tgt and decided to go to Suntec fr the PC Show. I don't exactly know why in the world we went there. Haha.
We walked to Suntec and otw there we decided to prank strangers. Haha. Verry funny. After Suntec, went to Esplanade to sit ard and continue pranking strangers then made our way back. By the end of the end, most of our faces and arms are turning red 'cause of the sun.
Overall, I think it was a gd experience. We bonded with 1 or 2 ppl from different classes. Even though I dislike the recording part, I think I loved the filming part minus the sunburnt part. Lol. Alrite, my fingers are screaming so here are some pictures. The rest will be uploaded soon.
The smell of the water fountain nearby was a little unpleasant. Ely's expression shows. Haha
Fydie said I looked like a ballerina wannabe. Haha. Anyway, the Green Roof.
Our spastic faces. Actually mine more spastic ah. Lol
It feels like it's been ages since I last updated yeah. So here we go. Just updated the links aite. So to the ones that complained, you guys have just be linked kay.
It's been a hectic week last week. With all the classes and funfair and stuffs. Besides that nothing much really happened. Went to catch Night At The Museum 2 with mum and sis last Friday evening at Lot 1. It was just average for me. Maybe 'cause I had more expectations since the 1st one was hilarious and interesting. Overall not bad lah.
Anyway, tomorrow's the last day to submit my coursewerk. Yippie. Can't wait but y'all know what? I haven't completed it! Just a few more stuffs to do. I'll do it later I guess since it's the last day tomorrow, why not just do it properly and chuck it to her face. Haha.
Will have Maths lesson also tomorrow before F&N. Haven't completed the homework yet but I managed to solve some questions though. Speaking of Maths, besides my attempt to solve some of my homework questions, I haven't pretty much touch my Maths books or even start practicing. What's this Icha? One whole week of June is already gone. Can't afford to waste the other 3 weeks away just like that. Ok so, Note to self: Start practicing MATHS ASAP!
*** Alrite, movinggg on. I've been watching this video over and over again. I've seen it before on Wani's MP3 the other time but I didn't heard of her yet. Just simly love it manszx. It's from a female singer by the name Zee Avi. Heard of her before? She's amazing manszx. I searched her video on Youtube after reading in the papers 'bout her. She originated from Malaysia. Most of her songs are great.
One day she recorded a song she'd written to show her friend. Then something something.( I forgot what happened! Haha). She got an invitation from a producer or something in the US and now she already got an album and is preparing for a tour. How cool is that?!
The whole time I was reading 'bout her my mouth is half-opened. Besides being able to play the guitar, she also could play the ukelele. Can't really believe it that she was actually from Malaysia! I mean it's like a dream come true isn't it. I myself have that kinda dream and yeah hopefully it does come true yeah. Hahaha. Just these little dreams of mine.
I thought of uploading the video but changed my mind. I'm lazy to do so. So, go and search yourself.
Ohya, ever since the funfair, I just realised that my school's got quite many talented individuals. Not forgetting those with their bands. The show at the funfair was just like a gig or something. Bands after bands performed. Some are pretty good while the other some are just average.. I have also started strumming my guitar again after soo long. Really wish I belonged to a band. Haha. But seriously.
I wanna be the guitarist and the vocalist even though I know I suck at both. But I prefer being an acoustic band or maybe just a duo. I prefer covering songs rather than having my own song. But at the same time would love having a songwriter writing songs for me to sing. I also thought of uploading my video on Youtube and who knows I might get lucky? Hahaha. I know this is soo random but I just feel like forming a band right now! Anyone interested to be the other half of my duo? Lol.
Haha. I better stop now before I fantasize other silly stuffs. So goodbye y'all.
Firstly would like to update some overdue pictures of the first half of last week. Here they are:
Day1: CIP @ECP
Posing while working.
Our semi-full thrash bag.
Cooling down at BK.
In life, you can choose to either feel boring, whatever or simply happy! Haha.
"Eh tired ley, let me Zzzzz a while"
Day 2: No pictures were taken 'cause it was so damn bloody boring. Trip to SDC. What's more I forgot to charge my batteries the day before. Haha. So, the next day.
Day 3: Class outing @ ECP...again.. While playing captain's ball tgt
After the funny falls we had.
Alrite. That's about it. For the pics I mean. Will update the whole album in Facebook. So, nothing pretty much happened lately. Went to Escape Theme Park ystd though. So not fun.
Then there was Friday's PTC. Some of the words being said by teacher still lingered in my mind tilll now. The session somewhat have made an impact to me. I realised that I actually got ppl ard me supporting me. I also realised that this June hols are not the right time to either slack or have fun. I gotta bloody buck up on my studies.
The PTC got me confused too. I felt sad, angry and many other feeling which I can't describe. Really saw hope in my teacher's eyes. She look me straight in the eyes and told me that she really want me to get promoted. I got sad upon hearing it but not sure why. There are quite a few more stuffs that we talked about which I vaguely remembered.
Just gotta know that I should keep holding on now since Prelims is less than 2 months away and that will be the best gauge for my 'N's. So, Icha, let's go!
What's important is that I should really make full use of this hols. Gotta work on my Maths especially. So, anyone, wanna practice Maths with me? Haha. Alrite. It's late. Update soon but don't think will update consistently due to my other commitments. So, chao!
Sorry fr the previous post. It was so fcked up. I was freaking pissed with myself fr spoiling my own phone. Haha.
Ok. Moving onn. Firstly, I just love the new Cadbury ad! The eyebrow thingy. Haha. Cool man. But it doesn't seem to have link with Cadbury; in my view. Lol. When I saw it fr the first time I seriously thought that they are promoting a new phone or sumting liddat. Haha. But it's seriously awesome. Haha. I can't stop laughing every time it came out. LOL.
Here's the link 'cause I somehow gt problems uploading it here.
Today was the first day of Maths Hot-Housing. I would not say it's ineffective but I could say that I'm sure whatever that went into my brain was less than 20%. Hehe.
The whole cohort of Sec 4 & 5 had to attend. It was ok at first. But after a while, the teacher got even more faster moving on to the next topic. I ended up going at my own pace. I was still stucked at a topic and he was almost done on the next one.
Then blahblah. There was this one point when the tcher got fed up of us chatting away so he got angry. He started saying that NA classes have the most numbers of absentees and it simply shows that we are not interested. I mean it's true but why are we always the target? If you don't want us there, then tell us manxzsx. We can jolly well leave. Whatever lah. Don't be too sensitive Icha. Haha.
Anyway, I burnt my tongue while enjoying KFC's breakfast. Ohya, did I mention that a few days back, I dreamed of enjoying a KFC meal? I was craving fr it and my dream proves it. Haha. It hurts when I eat. So now I have to bite pieces of food using only my left side of the mouth. Sedih eh.
OK. What else should I say? Ohh. I walked with Eddy to the MRT today. While walking we talked. One of the topic was Sarawak. He said that he was browsing through his picts and found the folder. All the memories came back. So, when I got home after having dinner, I went to my old comp and transfered the whole folder.
Yeah, when I look back at those picts, all the moments spent there came lingering back to my train of thoughts even though they have start fading slowly some time ago. I can't describe the feeling. You will really miss Sarawak if you went on that trip, seriously.
I miss every single thing 'bout it and here's just a few moments that I'd love to share:
Moment 1: At the airport with mixed feelings.
2: Still there. 3: Fly me there pls. 4: The most fun part of all; when you just feel like reaching out to the cotton candy sky.
5: Another moment that made me really excited. Getting closer and closer to Mt. Santubong.
6: The serene beach. I forgot the name.
7: Posing in front of my house-to-be. Haha 8: Jumping on the bed like mad. 9: Waiting to be served. 10: Writing reflections at the end of each day.
11: The girls 12: The guys. 13: And lastly, waking up to the beautiful and calm sunrise.
Hey y'all. How's life? Haha The past week have been pretty BORING fr me. Since there's no school I woke up later than I usually do and it's just the same old stuff over and over again. I was seriously Bored to death. My nrml routine was to wake-up, clean up, house chores, TV or lappy(but too lazy to update) and then dunno do wht. I would usually slack. Zzzz Whatthehell right?
I'm usually alone at home so I don't talk. Unless the phone rings of course. I can't possibly talk to myself right? Most of the time when I'm doing the chores, I would blast the radio. So, it's like being in jail or smthg. Haha. I think on Thurs I almost cried because I'm so freaking lonely and I feel like I haven't talked fr days. LOLlol.
OK, fast frwd. Blah blah abt feeling lonely and stuffs.
So, just came bck frm cuzzie's place. Sort of celebrated Father's Day. There's food and stuffs. So, eatdrinkeatdrink. Then played Monopoly. Got bored after a while. Then... Ah, forget it. I forget wht happened. Lol
Anyway, the past weeknights, I've been having trouble sleeping. IT'S JUST BLOODY HOT RIGHT? I just can't take the heatiness manzxx. I would sleep soundly and suddenly woke up to realise that I'm actually sweating like hell.
I would start off sleeping in my bed. After hours had passed, I would move to the empty space on the floor nxt to my bed, then my last spot would be on the couch in the living room. I don't have air-con you see, so I would turn the fan nxt to the couch to its max and just leave it my direction. Muahaha. Sometimes I don't realise I have actually changed spots.
Wonder why it's been these hot these days. Is it global warming? Or is it just the hot season? My back hurt from sleeping on the floor for long hours. Haishh. I miss those cold, windy nights.
*** I feel like there's a lot to tell the world but I don't exactly what I want to say. I think I just miss my nrml routine, going to school and stuffs. I miss my clique. U hanging out tgth after school, sitting tgt during recess. I miss the little little stuffs. I also miss my CCA and many other stuffs. I just misss them. Ok. I'm tired. Chao
I'm back. Been out and about these few days. So here the story goes.
Firstly, I've got sunburnt. Arghh. Thanks to a day out in the sun ystd. Ok. So me and Fydie was selected to represent our class fr a graduation vdeo thingy. Both of us were forced so I was reluctant to go. But I still did.
Thursday was the first fr this 2-day thing. The first day was all about recording. We had to sing a few lines from an oldie song which I can't really relate to. Haha. Early morning our voices aren't really out yet. So we are asked to sing the line repeatedly. Until we managed to get the correct tone and stuffs, then the recording starts. I srsly do not like to hear my recorded voice. It's just so different. But what to do?
So, after we got our line recorded, the other classes also recorded theirs. It was bloody tiring. We have to wait and wait and wait. And finally got to the chorus. The whole thing ended ard 5. Superr long rite?
The first day was not the best one. Anyhow, still enjoyed singing other songs with the rest while waiting. I bet my group was the loudest among all. Who cares. Now I know how all the stars feel while recording. You have to re-record if it's not good enough.
Alrite, movingg on to the 2nd day which is, Thank God more interesting. It was still tiring 'cause there is still a lot of waiting but I really had fun. We took a transport to Marina Barrage early in the morning for the filming.
It was a nice, calm place but the sun was just blistering HOT! As soon as we arrived, we get to the 1st location and start filming. There was a total of 10 spots of filming I think. After one spot, movedd on to another. It was crowded and quite embarassing 'cause when the music starts, you have to 'act feeling feeling' singing the song. Haha
I loved the view from the Green Roof on top. You can Singapore Flyer and stuffs. There were ang-moh kids flying kites with their teachers and they were soo adorable. While waiting, we would snap pictures and stuffs. Or me and Ely will act spastic. Haha. So fun but so hot.
Then, the whole thing wrapped up at ard 2pm. We got no transport back so we took the shuttle bus to the MRT and went to Raffles City Shpping Ctr to Mac-ed. There was a whole bunch of us. Ard 14 I think. Most of us stayed tgt and decided to go to Suntec fr the PC Show. I don't exactly know why in the world we went there. Haha.
We walked to Suntec and otw there we decided to prank strangers. Haha. Verry funny. After Suntec, went to Esplanade to sit ard and continue pranking strangers then made our way back. By the end of the end, most of our faces and arms are turning red 'cause of the sun.
Overall, I think it was a gd experience. We bonded with 1 or 2 ppl from different classes. Even though I dislike the recording part, I think I loved the filming part minus the sunburnt part. Lol. Alrite, my fingers are screaming so here are some pictures. The rest will be uploaded soon.
The smell of the water fountain nearby was a little unpleasant. Ely's expression shows. Haha
Fydie said I looked like a ballerina wannabe. Haha. Anyway, the Green Roof.
Our spastic faces. Actually mine more spastic ah. Lol
It feels like it's been ages since I last updated yeah. So here we go. Just updated the links aite. So to the ones that complained, you guys have just be linked kay.
It's been a hectic week last week. With all the classes and funfair and stuffs. Besides that nothing much really happened. Went to catch Night At The Museum 2 with mum and sis last Friday evening at Lot 1. It was just average for me. Maybe 'cause I had more expectations since the 1st one was hilarious and interesting. Overall not bad lah.
Anyway, tomorrow's the last day to submit my coursewerk. Yippie. Can't wait but y'all know what? I haven't completed it! Just a few more stuffs to do. I'll do it later I guess since it's the last day tomorrow, why not just do it properly and chuck it to her face. Haha.
Will have Maths lesson also tomorrow before F&N. Haven't completed the homework yet but I managed to solve some questions though. Speaking of Maths, besides my attempt to solve some of my homework questions, I haven't pretty much touch my Maths books or even start practicing. What's this Icha? One whole week of June is already gone. Can't afford to waste the other 3 weeks away just like that. Ok so, Note to self: Start practicing MATHS ASAP!
*** Alrite, movinggg on. I've been watching this video over and over again. I've seen it before on Wani's MP3 the other time but I didn't heard of her yet. Just simly love it manszx. It's from a female singer by the name Zee Avi. Heard of her before? She's amazing manszx. I searched her video on Youtube after reading in the papers 'bout her. She originated from Malaysia. Most of her songs are great.
One day she recorded a song she'd written to show her friend. Then something something.( I forgot what happened! Haha). She got an invitation from a producer or something in the US and now she already got an album and is preparing for a tour. How cool is that?!
The whole time I was reading 'bout her my mouth is half-opened. Besides being able to play the guitar, she also could play the ukelele. Can't really believe it that she was actually from Malaysia! I mean it's like a dream come true isn't it. I myself have that kinda dream and yeah hopefully it does come true yeah. Hahaha. Just these little dreams of mine.
I thought of uploading the video but changed my mind. I'm lazy to do so. So, go and search yourself.
Ohya, ever since the funfair, I just realised that my school's got quite many talented individuals. Not forgetting those with their bands. The show at the funfair was just like a gig or something. Bands after bands performed. Some are pretty good while the other some are just average.. I have also started strumming my guitar again after soo long. Really wish I belonged to a band. Haha. But seriously.
I wanna be the guitarist and the vocalist even though I know I suck at both. But I prefer being an acoustic band or maybe just a duo. I prefer covering songs rather than having my own song. But at the same time would love having a songwriter writing songs for me to sing. I also thought of uploading my video on Youtube and who knows I might get lucky? Hahaha. I know this is soo random but I just feel like forming a band right now! Anyone interested to be the other half of my duo? Lol.
Haha. I better stop now before I fantasize other silly stuffs. So goodbye y'all.
Firstly would like to update some overdue pictures of the first half of last week. Here they are:
Day1: CIP @ECP
Posing while working.
Our semi-full thrash bag.
Cooling down at BK.
In life, you can choose to either feel boring, whatever or simply happy! Haha.
"Eh tired ley, let me Zzzzz a while"
Day 2: No pictures were taken 'cause it was so damn bloody boring. Trip to SDC. What's more I forgot to charge my batteries the day before. Haha. So, the next day.
Day 3: Class outing @ ECP...again.. While playing captain's ball tgt
After the funny falls we had.
Alrite. That's about it. For the pics I mean. Will update the whole album in Facebook. So, nothing pretty much happened lately. Went to Escape Theme Park ystd though. So not fun.
Then there was Friday's PTC. Some of the words being said by teacher still lingered in my mind tilll now. The session somewhat have made an impact to me. I realised that I actually got ppl ard me supporting me. I also realised that this June hols are not the right time to either slack or have fun. I gotta bloody buck up on my studies.
The PTC got me confused too. I felt sad, angry and many other feeling which I can't describe. Really saw hope in my teacher's eyes. She look me straight in the eyes and told me that she really want me to get promoted. I got sad upon hearing it but not sure why. There are quite a few more stuffs that we talked about which I vaguely remembered.
Just gotta know that I should keep holding on now since Prelims is less than 2 months away and that will be the best gauge for my 'N's. So, Icha, let's go!
What's important is that I should really make full use of this hols. Gotta work on my Maths especially. So, anyone, wanna practice Maths with me? Haha. Alrite. It's late. Update soon but don't think will update consistently due to my other commitments. So, chao!
I don't blog often and I'll update when I
feel like it.
I'm 17 this year.
i certainly would love to travel around the world.
And try all the crazy things the world have to offer.